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September Craft Meeting
We will be raising Bro Daryl Morgan to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. W Bro Cusworth will also be performing the 3rd Degree tracing board
Find out more »October Craft Meeting
This month we have the legendary Daggards performing a great piece. W Bros Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman will perform the interactive "I Know the Answers, but What do the Questions Mean" The Daggards always put on a fantastic show, so…
Find out more »November Craft Meeting
This month we will be passing Brother Geoff Ellis to a Fellowcraft. We are always especially happy to have fellow brethren visit us, so if you would like to come along, please contact our Secretary on the "GET IN TOUCH"…
Find out more »December Craft Meeting
This month is when we hold our Christmas Lodge were the brethren invite their family and friends. The Worshipful Master will be organising some event for everyone to enjoy followed by a festive meal.
Find out more »May Craft Meeting
On Wednesday, 9th May, we will be holding a 1st degree ceremony for a new candidate
Find out more »June Craft Meeting
On Wednesday, the 13th June, we will be holding a second degree ceremony, to pass a brother to the degree of a fellow craft
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